Spectacular Summer Activities at The Riverfront!
Happy 4th of July! Join Us for A Celebration on Monday, July 4th!Red, White & Blue Bike Parade 10:30am at The Riverfront Pool. Decorate your bikes & strollers in red, white
& blue. Join in our annual Independence Day Bike Parade. We’ll stroll or pedal down to the Waterfront Pier to cool off with rocket ice pops and then head back to the pool to start our celebration.All American Picnic: 12:30-2pm. The Swim Club will provide some tasty fried chicken, watermelon and ice cold lemonade. We ask you to bring a side dish or dessert to share.Poolside DJ & Games: 12:30-2:30pm. Enjoy summer music, dance contests, blanket run, games, water balloon baseball, beach blanket volleyball, corn hole, and more.Members $4 per person. Guests $6 per person. We can wrap food to go, too. Please note that the 4th of July can be one of our busiest pool days, so if you’d like, you may bring lawn chairs today. RSVP by July 3rd in order for us to prepare.
Bingo & Pizza Night Friday: July 15th at 6pmA fun night of Bingo for members, families & friends. Prizes for all ages to make any victory sweet. Each participant will receive one card per game. We will play at least 4 games. Additional cards can be purchased for $1 per card. Pizza & salad for dinner; lemonade, popcorn & cookies, too. $6 per person or $20 for a family of 4. Please RSVP.Teen Takeover “battleshipâ€: Friday, July 22nd, 7-10pmHey Big Kids, ages 9 and up, we’ve got the rafts and duct tape ready! Let’s see who can make the best battleship and sink the others. Bring your super soakers as we will let you break some of the rules tonight. Pizza for dinner. Ice cream bar for dessert. Cost: $14 each. Please RSVP.Sweet Scoops. Friday, July 8th from 5:30-7pm & Sunday, July 24th from 1-3pmCome join us for an icy cold sweet treat! Create your own Ice Cream Sundae $3. Will it be vanilla, chocolate or a surprise flavored ice cream? Pile on some scrumptious toppings: M&M’s, gummies, sprinkles, cookies, fruit, chocolate sauce, whipped cream & more. Single scoop ice cream cones, sno cones, and popcorn $1.Eats & Treats: Monday, July 11th & Wednesday, July 27th From 5:30-7pmCome picnic poolside & enjoy dinner at the club tonight! Bring your family & friends. We will fire up the grill at Riverfront for hot dogs, burgers, & veggie burgers, too. Chips, sno cones, ice cream, & sodas. Orders can be packaged up to go, too. Cost: $3.00 burgers & dogs, $1 each for the other items.Ladies Night Off: Thursday, July 28th from 7-10pmLadies, come meet under the Gazebo at The Riverfront Pool for a fun night of food, drinks, games and a great time with friends. Leave the little ones at home with your hubbies or significant others. This is your night to get away from it all. Bring your beverage of choice and, if you wish, a dish to share. Please RSVP.KiDZ ZoNe “Water Blastâ€: Saturday, July 30th, 7-10pmKids, wear your swim suits to KiDZ ZoNe tonight. We will be playing in the pool until the sun goes down. Beach ball hugger, dolphin relay, fill the bottle & jump rope water splash are a few of the games we will play. Pizza, fruit & veggies for dinner with pretzels & popcorn for snacking on during the movie. Cost: $14 per child, $12 per each additional child from the same family. Please RSVP.
Sip & Sizzle Saturday, July 30th beginning at 7pmJoin our wine guys, Mike & Hank, at Lakeside for a night of wine sampling, savory bites, and sweet treats. Let’s have fun with a variety of pours that pair perfectly with summertime grilling. Think crisp whites, slightly chilled reds and refreshing bubbles. Cost: $16 per person. Please RSVP by July 29th in order for us to properly prepare.Summer Kidz AdventuresCamp-troplis June 27,29,30Candy Land June 28,29,30Golf Clinic June 28,29,30Star Spangled Spirit July 6 & 7Rockapalooza July 11,13,14Wacky World of Sports July 12,13,14Golf/Tennis Camp July 12,13,14
Barracudas Swim Team Practices are on Mondays from 7-9p. A few lap lanes will remain open for our member lap swimmers during practices. Home swim meets are scheduled for July 6th evening meet and July 9th morning meet. Dates may change and may be rescheduled in the case of inclement weather. The Riverfront pool will be closed during home swim meets. Lakeside will be open, no adult hours.Raft Riot Tuesdays Rafts allowed in The Riverfront pool after 4p.Super Soaker Sundays Super Soakers allowed in The Riverfront pool after 5pm on Sundays.Pool Rules Please refresh yourself with our pool rules. The lifeguards will be enforcing them for the safety of everyone. Rules are posted deck side at each pool.Adult Lap Swim If you are interested in swimming before going to work, let us know. If there is enough interest, we will start this group. Email us with time & day of the week preference.
GET ACTIVE RIVERFRONTWavemaker Aqua Fitness Class Next session begins July 11th No swimming skills necessary. Class held at the Lakeside pool. Contact Sandy at 581-7773.Ladies Daytime Golf League Play will begin the first week of April. Call the Golf Club, 757-484-2200 or Trenda, 757-810-7220, for more details.Tuesday Night Mixer Play 9-holes starting at 5pm. Format changes each week. Call the Golf Club at 757-484-2200.Yoga with Suzanne Classes meet Monday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45pm. All levels of experience welcome. Six Class Pass: $72, Drop-In Class $15. Contact Suzanne at 638-3000, gillespiethompson@yahoo.com.Fitness Boot Camp with Sandy on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 7:35am. Join in at any time. Contact Sandy at 581-7773.